En blogg om The Sims!

Alla inlägg den 7 september 2012

Av theesimsblogg - 7 september 2012 15:35

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Av theesimsblogg - 7 september 2012 12:15

Hi Everyone,

It’s an exciting time at Maxis! The release of The Sims 3 Supernatural is finally here and we are anxious to hear all about the unique new stories that you’ll create with your Sims in Moonlight Falls. I wanted to send out one last blog to thank everyone in The Sims 3 community for all your great questions, discussions in the forums and participation in our live events and demos. I also wanted to share a couple of new secrets with you.

Over the past few months, you’ve heard from and seen several of our amazing producers and designers via blogs, forum replies, live broadcasts and Q&A posts. We really wanted to provide as many details as possible about the awesome new gameplay features in The Sims 3 Supernatural to be sure everyone had the  chance to see just how different this expansion is from any other pack we’ve released for The Sims 3. We’ve covered a lot of ground in the last few months but I wanted to share two final surprises with you:

1.) There is more than one way to make a Sim “croak.”  One of the more interesting magical abilities available to witch Sims is casting the “Toadification curse.” Casting this spell on any Sim will temporarily change them into a ToadSim with an over-sized frog-like head and big beady eyes that are constantly scanning for their next meal. Suddenly, the flies on trash cans and spoiled food look pretty attractive to Sims that carry this unfortunate curse. Those seeking that fairytale moment can have their ToadSims ask for a kiss that will hopefully result in the curse being removed. A non-ToadSim can also offer up a kiss in hopes that it may cure them. However, they should use caution when doing so as it poses a potential risk.  There is always a chance that the “mood” won’t be right and the kiss could fail in a most shocking way.

2.) Secondly, there is a new dance in The Sims 3 Supernatural and it is called “the Smustle” (aka – The Sims Hustle). It’s a mix between the Hustle and Thriller. This fast paced dance seems to be a hit with Sims in Moonlight Falls. Don’t be surprised if you see a group of zombies and werewolves doing the Smustle under a full moon. For those of you that were fans of The Sims 2, these wild gyrations may seem familiar.

Just one last thing before I sign off.  I was a huge fan of classic horror films, TV shows and mythical creatures as a kid, so it was really a dream come true to be able to research both the classic as well as the modern take on “supernatural” and apply the resulting creative ideas to The Sims 3.  As a matter of fact, I spent countless hours as a kid drawing and sculpting strange, mystical creatures from my imagination. This hobby didn’t help my grades in math much, but it did lead to a passion that helped me get into the video gaming industry as an artist/animator many years ago. Even though I am not working as an artist anymore, you may not be surprised if I told you that one of my favorite things to do in The Sims 3 when playing for fun is to create funny and extremely unusual Sims. I’ve had a lot of fun using all the new Create A Sim options as they allow for some pretty interesting looking characters. I just had to share a couple of them with you.


Thanks again to everyone in The Sims 3 community! I sure hope you enjoy playing The Sims 3 Supernatural as much as all of us in The Sims Studio loved making it.

Happy Simming!
- Kari St John, Senior Producer for The Sims 3 Supernatural




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Bloggare: Amanda och Emma



Spela The Sims 3 - Från början | Del 1 Skapa en sim




Gratisprylar från Store Del 2

Bad Memories del 17 



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Officiella hemsidor


Här är några nedladdningssidor där man kan ladda ner kläder, frisyrer m.m. till sitt Sims. information om varje ställe står under rubriken. Klicka på rubriken för att komma till sidan.



En mycket säker sida eftersom det är TS3s officiella sida. Det finns frisyrer, kläder, men också möbler och annat till huset. Det mesta kostar pengar, men det finns saker som är gratis.

Har gjort en lista på allt som är gratis.

Del 1 kläder och frisyrer


Kläder, frisyrer, accessoarer m.m.

För TS2 och TS3.

Både gratis och kostar pengar.


Kläder, frisyrer, accessoarer m.m.

För TS, TS2 och TS3.

Både gratis och kostar.

Kräns ett konot(gratis) för att kunna ladda ner.


Kläder, mönster,accessoarer m.m. (inga frisyrer)

För TS2 och TS3

Allt är gratis


Kläder, accessoarer, mönster m.m. (inga frisyrer)

För TS3

Allt är gratis


(Har ej använt den själv utan fick tips om den. Detta skriv hon:)

Du måste bli medlem, som är gratis, och sen kan du ladda ner. Allt är gratis. Du kan söka på det du vill ha och allt liknande kommer upp, samt så kan du välja till vilket expansionpaket du vill ha. Väldigt bra sida som jag starkt rekommenderar. (Till TS2 och TS3)

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